
Non-Profit, 501(c)(3)

The Dragonfly Centre is committed to the elimination of domestic violence against women and their children by providing victim friendly services that promotes the empowerment of survivors; through advocacy, public awareness and education and community based initiatives.

Vision: The Dragonfly Centre envisions a world free of violence against women and their children and social justice for all. We are founded on the vision and belief that every person has the right to live in a safe environment free from violence and the fear of violence and strive to work collaboratively with the community to provide victim friendly services to support domestic violence victims, survivors to the stage of thriving.

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Teen Dating and Domestic Violence


Spurned love ends in murder of teenager

Friday, April 27, 2012

Nikita Ramischand

The 18-year-old daughter of Port-of-Spain lawyer, Odai Ramischand, was stabbed to death Wednesday night.
Police said Nikita Ramischand was stabbed six times in the neck and abdomen. Her body was found by her parents and siblings at the family’s home, Maracas Royal Road, St Joseph, around 8.30 pm. Nikita was an accounts student at the School of Business and Computer Science (SBCS), Champs Fleurs. She also assisted her mother in the family’s beauty salon.  Homicide detectives believe she was stabbed by a jilted lover. Up to late yesterday police were looking for a suspect, also 18.
Senior officers believed the suspect might attempt to leave the country as he had a ticket booked to Guyana. They also said her relationship with the suspect had been kept a secret. Her brother, Sid, who spoke in an interview at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, yesterday described his sister as a girl who had “a promising future and was brilliant.” He said she met someone who took her life because she spurned his love and an offer of marriage. Inspector Ramnaresh Seecharan, acting Insp Lawrence, Sgt Samuel, Cpl Jones and Modeste and PC Seville were among the officers who went to the scene.
(With reporting by Camille Clarke)

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